Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Recent researchers say no such thing

For nearly a decade researchers Harker and Reynierse have presented various statistical analyses that type dynamics is nothing more than a belief system of the scientifically blind followers of personality type. If you've read their research, what do you think of their methods? What do you think about their approach to analyzing type data? What is the counter perspective to their analytical view?


  1. Hey All,

    FYI, From earlier email discussion:

    An unclear result never indicates anything about the individual, it only indicates a limitation and error in the measure. Something that will have to be discussed in research results.


  2. I think they have taken preference scores and used them in ways that are very inconsistent with waht they are designed to reflect.

    I also agree with Mark. Slight preferences are more indicative of a failure of the instrument to work for a person than indicating anything about the person.

    Lookginf forward to our research efforts,
